Saturday 12 January 2013

In Search of an Arm-Chair 'Catch-All'

I want to make one of these:

My mission for 2013 is to get my house organised and in order, (and my life generally - I am such a disorganised person!), everything will have a place, everything goes back in its place.

I am nearly there but, as I am sure is the case in many households, we have too many remote controls taking up valuable surface-space or piled up on the arm of the sofa where they will inevitably disappear into the infinite abyss under the sofa cushions, causing much disharmony come TV time.

The offending button-boxes...
So, an 'arm-chair catch-all' would be perfect! So, the task I have set myself is: to design and create an arm chair pocket for my many remotes which is pretty and practical. Whether it is a success or a disaster, I will share the results here!

Teaching myself to knit will have to wait for now... :)

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